The achievement gap among students is a well-researched topic. African American students have often been found to perform at lower levels academically than their counterparts of other ethnicities. This gap tends to expand when comparing the completion rates of higher education programs.

For individuals pursuing careers in higher education, the implications of this gap can be even more profound, as minority students have a limited number of role models who look similar to them. This is where African American scholars can benefit from academic coaching focused on career development.

Educational programs can be designed to focus on African American study skills and career highlights. Showcasing Black academics can be a helpful experience, as students can glean wisdom from someone who has “been there, done that.” The role of a coach cannot be understated. Coaches help make a person a better version of him or herself, while providing encouragement and tough love along the way. African American study programs can also assist students with achieving their educational goals. Students who receive mentoring are also at an advantage, as they have a more experienced individual advocating for them and helping them navigate processes that may be unfamiliar or unknown. All in all, a collaborative community seeking to help individuals better themselves can be a powerful experience. Such actions can also help to address the achievement gap, especially among African American students.

Careers in education can be challenging for anyone. However, this is even more pronounced when considering the gap that exists in education. When students fall behind their peers, it is difficult for them to imagine a career within the academy as a contributor to the field of knowledge. Instead of dreaming big and imagining challenging roles where they are intellectually stimulated, students are often just concerned with passing a class so they can be done with it.

When African American scholars take an interest in assisting students, especially those who may be underrepresented or struggling to achieve, it allows students to expand their horizons to include more rigorous career options. Black academics can pave the way for those who will come after them, showing others that careers in higher education are attainable for all, even if in the minority. It is important that African American students see faculty members and university leaders who are ethnically diverse. When students have opportunities to hear from trailblazers who have beat the odds and worked hard to be successful, it can be a source of encouragement and inspiration.

We can all learn from someone who is a little further down the path than we are. If you are looking for help entering higher education or advancing your career in the field, you can benefit from an academic coach. If you would like to learn more about academic coaching or need help understanding how you can address the achievement gap for yourself or others, contact Dr. Hill.  You can make an appointment by simply clicking here.