Take Charge And Get The Promotion You Always Wanted

Take Charge And Get The Promotion You Always Wanted

For most careers in higher education, getting a promotion has always been a hectic process. This is especially the case because of the current pandemic. Instead of letting the pandemic hold you back, use it to accomplish all of your goals. Do you aspire to be the best...
Careers in Higher Education

Careers in Higher Education

As a working woman, you wear several hats. Maybe you are a professor during the day, but at home you are a wife, girlfriend, mother, caregiver, etc.. Juggling everything in your life is hard enough without the stress of navigating the promotional process alone, being...
Want to Get Promoted? Do This Today…

Want to Get Promoted? Do This Today…

Anytime is the perfect time for you to prepare for your annual performance review by doing a mid-year review. Many of us are familiar with performance reviews that occur each year. But how many of us are familiar with mid-year faculty reviews? Consider this, when we...